
Hockey Lingo

This is a list of commonly used terms in the hockey world, this should help those who don't quite understand what a bender or plug is so we will put them into terms everyone can understand. 

  • Bender- someone who bends their ankles when they skate, not a good player
  • Duster- someone who doesn't get much ice time, and accumulates dust on the bench
  • Plug- another term for a bad player, only good for a plug in the end of a stick
  • Grocery stick- a player who doesn't see the ice, and sits on the bench and separates the players who do play
  • The boys- a reference to the boys on the team, strictly a hockey term
  • Flow- long flowing hair that protrudes from the helmet and waves in the wind
  • Salad/Moss- a nice set of short hair
  • Lettuce- in between salad and flow, needs to be able to flop, or toss the salad, to be considered lettuce
  • Beauty or beaut- this term can be used loosely, a term for anyone with character, a sick dangle, hard clapper, really anything that makes sense and has some hockey background to it, if a basketball player uses the term, it will forever be ruined
  • Chirp- trash talking to the opponents, example "Your goalie couldn't save a seat"
  • Grinder- someone that goes hard in the corners, not afraid to take a hit
  • Gong Show- term for fighting, and for that guy who can't skate backwards but wants to fight everyone
  • Smoke Show- term for the guy blacked out in the front yard on a Wednesday morning
  • Wheel/Wheeling- the ability to rake in the girls on and off the ice, players like Milan Lucic are known to have "square wheels" or the inability to wheel
  • Sieve- literally a sifter, used to say the goalie has a lot of holes, and is easy to score on
  • Sick/Filthy- term used to describe an unreal goal or dangle
  • Mitts/Sick Mitts/Saucy Paws- referring to a players ability to stickhandle, or dangle
  • Snipe- when a player goes bar down through traffic
  • Chel- a reference to the video game NHL
  • Rocket- an attractive female
  • Celly- The actions after scoring, most popular being the one knee ice sweep or riding the stick
Other hockey terms and sayings worth noting:
  • "He sticks it right where momma hides the cookies" referring to a goal that goes in the top corner or top shelf
  • 4L4L- fourth line for life
ESPN analyst and hockey enthusiast John Buccigross explains some of these terms in his vlogumn here:


  1. If you're well aware of these terms, you could help someone who's watching the game who doesn't seem to enjoy it at all. You could even make a friend this way.

    1. Serge - you'll rarely see any of these terms in a TV broadcast. These are more for the boys.
